An age old dream taking root in 2023

Forever, I have had an obsession with the dirt, plants, and animals.  This is the place where I get to share my dream with the help of a few friends and family members.  

We are staunchly against poisons. End of story.  Free Rein Farm adheres to old school values and practices, no til farming and non gmo seeds.  

How are we different? 

Besides CSA membership, this is a place to learn, gather and ultimately even camp. If you want to pitch in to offset your membership that is also an option!  Every single thing that grows on this land is grown with respect for life. Farming is tough. But if you do what you love, it's never "work".  

In 2024 we will be offering: CSA shares, 1020 Club (trays for succession planting) our own roadside products and baked goods!

Disclaimer; the good , the bad the better. 

Farms are fragile.  We all know this.  The skies are in charge.  Because of this we may sometimes network with other small local farms who share the same ethic. Our goal is "no empty boxes". Our goal is to provide you with something for your money each week even in the event of a loss.  For example, if a hailstorm destroys a yield in week 25, we will source product for you rather than simply point to the contract and shrug our shoulders.  (This is "Old School" ethics!) 

Text to inquire about helping. 607-354-1117.