Free Rein Farm is a small specialty grower. Everything we do is customizable. This is a place for members to learn, gather, shop and share our love for outdoor living and fresh healthy food. Every single thing that grows on this land is grown with respect for life.
Your Free Rein membership means you have access to a Conscientious local farm. If you opt for a CSA membership, we offer flexibility and on farm and off farm market discounts.
Throughout the season, we offer hosted garden space, fruits and vegetables, floral options, mushrooms, herbs, eggs, and baked goods.
We are a specialty grower adhering to the following principles and practices:
No til- we simply refuse to gouge the earth open and poison it. The earth knows more than we do.
ONLY OMRI controls when NECESSARY - Biological pest control and companion planting works well!
Biological Pest Control -
We let the bugs and birds do what they do.
We work WITH nature, not against it
Ours is a circular process; nothing is wasted
Discounted produce
Custom grow orders
Text to inquire: 607-766-5243